Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I'm bored out of my mind

Anderson is asleep and I am avoiding mopping and am bored out of my mind. So, Marci tagged me last week and I'll know she'll start to give me crap if I don't do it, so here it is:

How did you meet your spouse: We met through friends at a open mic night in Mesa. Once we started hanging out, we figured out that we had hung out in 8th grade but neither of us remember each other. (Thanks to a certain someone we met at Sunsplash when we were 12...Christa my lips are sealed.)

Where did you go on your first date? Um, I think we went to see Lord of the Rings. We also went to the totally awesome Bazzill Basics Christmas Party (Boooo)

How long have you been together? 5 years.

Who eats more? Me, I told Tim he needs to eat at least 2 1/2 meals a day...not come home STARVING

Who said I love you first? Tim asked me if I love him (very sneaky), then collectively we decided we loved each other (not kidding). But no one actually said it until a week later.

Who is taller? Tim

Who sings better? I'd say the same. Tim knows his parts.

Who is smarter? Grade wise, me. Actual smartness, Tim for sure.

Who does the laundry? Me.

Who does the dishes? Me, although Tim did last night just on his own. I told him he was husband of the year.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I sleep furthest from the door where ever we are.

Who pays the bills? Me, Tim has no idea.

Who mows the lawn? Tim. I’ve never mowed a lawn. Ever.

Who cooks dinner? Me, if that is what you want to call it.

Who drives when you are together? Honestly mostly me. I get car sick very easily. I would say he is a better driver. I'm sure Tim would agree.

Who is more stubborn? We are both pretty laid back. Probably me.

Who is the first to admit when they’re wrong? ME

Who’s parents do you see the most? We did live with mine for 9 months, but probably his.

Who kissed who first? He kissed me. He says on the cheek first but I have no recollection of that one.

Who proposed? Tim will tell you that I proposed twice. We had a time frame all picked out and I needed to get the big sealing room (we have huge families) and the good photographer. So I called and said "If it works out, can we get married on this day?" If you ask me, Tim propsed in the middle of the Nutcracker by slipping my ring on my finger. It's hard to see what you got in the dark! He planned to do it right when the ice princess in the ballet gets the diamond crown--yeah I had no idea.

Who is more sensitive? Honestly, we are both pretty insensitive but if I had to choose, me.

Who has more friends? Me probably. That is what happens when you live here forever.

Who has more siblings? Tim

Who wears the pants? Probably me, even though I'd prefer not too!


Chelsea said...

You are not bored. You just love momspace! :)

Sunsplash still makes me laugh. Oh boy! I am glad you guys are married. You guys are perfect for each other and are both so dang funny. I thought when you put the smarter thing and you put grade smart....I was waiting to find out who was street smart! For sure you since we did have the streets of Mesa down pat! And had many a run-ins with scary people! Ahh...the good ol days!

The Tate's said...

Sunsplash...thanks for not going into details!! I love that you guys panned out!!

Nicole Wynn said...

Now I'm curious about the whole sunsplash thing, thanks alot! Your not the only wife who wears the pants, I do too! Not proud of it, I just do. Okay, maybe a little glad.:) For the record, your definitely not bored, just sick of cleaning. That is exactly how I feel everyday!

benandchayfuller said...

Umm, so I am just a random friend that introduced you now huh :) J/K I'm glad you guys worked out and got married. I can't believe it was 5 years ago you met. Man we are getting old!

Pepper Lovin! said...

haha. I love reading those. That is funny about the love thing. I think your relationship sounds like mine pretty down to earth. :) I love it. Still want to see you.

Meggs said...

What the heck Anderson is not one already. You were just pregnant yesterday. He is so darn cute. By the way the pics. of Tim are so hilarious. He always cracks me up.