Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mrs. Complainy Pants

Tim is preparing for an important Engineering test in April with a Review class that is ALL day (I mean 9-7:00pm and 8-5 all day) on Saturday AND Sunday for 5 weeks. This is the second weekend and lets just say I am already not a big fan of these husbandless weekends. Sometimes I feel like a wimp and get caught up in the poor me, this is so hard, blah blah blah. In reality I have it pretty dang good. There are so many people out there who are struggling and have much more real issues to complain about or have to deal with than me. I am working on not complaining. I stopped myself from texting Tim saying I don't think I'm going to make it today. I'm already preparing myself for the longest Sacrament meetings of my life the next few weeks. When I stop and think about all of my blessings, I am embarassed for even feeling like this. I know, suck it up right.


Erin said...

It's okay to feel like that Kami. It is hard. I know after many weekends surviving without Chip because of scouts I can appreciate the single moms in the world so much more! Hang in there. Just be glad it's not forever.

Rich Angie said...

Interesting, sounds like you're human!! I feel guilty whining and complaining when Dave is gone too. But then I don't either because I'd be lying if I said it was easy. Dave's in scouts too and it is SO difficult when an already full and exhausting day moves right into the night and next day without him. Hang in there!

Sarah said...

I am sorry Kami, you deserve to complain. Jared has been working Sat and Sundays for a while now and it makes me not want to even go to church. Then there was a kind grandma in the ward who took Heber from me and she holds him every week. She loves to snuggle with him. It made me feel awkward, but I bet there is a million ladies in your ward that would help you with minnie on sundays.

Anonymous said...

It's ok Kami, I don't have it to that extreme, but half the week and Saturdays I feel I've lost my husband to school, scouts and homework. Good luck to your husband, and keep your chin up.

Sarah W. said...

In regards to your comment about Chloe and Anderson getting married...they would probably cancel each other out and have really low key babies. Then we would be really mad that they didn't get what was coming to them!

Courtney said...

Is Minnie eating a diaper?

Captain and First Officer said...

I, too, try to "suck it up," but it is hard sometimes! Tom is usually gone for 1-3 weeks at a time, so I feel your pain. And from everything I see on your blog, little Andy keeps you hopping! It sounds like you're on a first-name basis with poison control :)

{nicole coombs} said...

Your kids are so cute! And thanks for your compliments on my blog the other day!
I am wanting to do family pictures for other people yes! I am taking classes now, and would LOVE some practice?!?