Friday, February 19, 2010

We've had a busy and kind of random last couple of weeks. Minnie turned one on the 5th! We sang and did the cake thing on Saturday night with my family after my niece's baptism. Then on Sunday we had Tim's family over for cupcakes and cheesecake and sang to her then too. She loved the cupcakes and also loved putting the frosting everywhere in her huge head of hair!

Last weekend I threw a baby shower for my sis-in-law Courtney who is having a girl in April. I took this picture for Marci (who has one tomorrow--Sorry Marci) so she could see the table. I am not very appreciative of stores who totally hike their flowers prices during the week of Valentines day. Even Costco, where you can usually get 2 dozen roses for $12.99, let me down and had a dozen roses for $15. And, no good pink ones. So I found these tulips at Wal-Mart for $5 a bunch and they worked great. Courtney got a lot of good baby stuff and I am very excited for Minnie to have a cousin that is actually younger than her (I didn't think that would EVER happen) and it to be a girl.

And finally, we made it to Disneyland. I am proud to say Minnie is TOTALLY done nursing!! And, she loves milk (in a sippy cup too). So we left her with Tim's mom, and drove to CA Monday night. We pricelined a hotel for that night for $40. We went to Disneyland the next day and the clouds were not very friendly. It rained off and on for the first few hours in the morning. Then it stopped for a while so we did a lot of the outside stuff. For example, probably Andy's favorite thing he wanted to do was ride the "big truck" (which sometimes doesn't come out so clear as big truck if you know what I mean:) that rides down Main Street. At like 3:00 it started POURING and didn't stop for a few hours. I was surprised they kept it open. We were going to leave and decided to ride a few more things. After that, it stopped raining around 6:00. Everyone had left, so we rode a ton of stuff that last couple of hours. We were totally by ourselves in our own boat on Pirates of the Carribean and Small World (which we only went on to warm up--it's a long one for us). We maybe waited 4-5 minutes at the most the whole day. We pretty much walked on to everything, and it was completely free! We already want to go back...not till next year though. Hopefully Disney will keep us this "Free Day" Promotion stuff next year! I would HIGHLY recommend doing the Give a Day Get a Day thing. Check out the website and follow the links. It's totally worth it!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Thanks again for the shower! It was so nice!! YOu did an awesome job!