Sunday, January 2, 2011


Oh boy. Today was Anderson's first day in Sunbeams class, and lets just say he was less than thrilled. He loves nursery and all week we kept hyping up the fact that he was going to primary and going to be a big boy, blah blah blah. He just wants to play with trucks. Surprisingly though, he went without a fight. We teach the class behind him so we were right there to witness him in all his wiggly glory. Overall, he did better than expected, the middle of class he had his first potty accident in forever. Seriously it's been a LONG TIME and I was surprised. So I had to head home and change him for the last little bit. We made it through though. Since I am a terrible mom and don't have one picture of Anderson on his blessing day (which is totally ridiculous considering he is my first child), I decided to take one today for his first day in primary...
and to document the last Sunday these 2 have before another one joins the bunch. I had pretty strong contractions on New Years Eve. I had to call my sister to ask how far apart they should be before I do something about it. They lasted a couple hours then stopped. Too bad, adding one more child to the tax return would have been mighty helpful:) Oh well, Wednesday it is.


Chelsea said...

Cute pictures! I've been thinking about you a ton. 3 kids soon! ACK!! Can't wait to see pictures of her. Hang in there!
Also...since you are having her on my anniversary, shouldn't she somehow be named after me? Just wondering :)

Erin said...

Good luck this week! 3 kids wasn't as hard for me as 4. you'll do great! Nash wasn't thrilled about primary either. I had to drag him in the door.

Brandi said...

Oh I can really see his cute "Bill Cosby" sweater. Last night I couldn't see it too clearly, but thought he looked very handsome:) Best wishes to you and Tim on your upcoming adventure that begins in two days:) Can't wait to see little Ivy soon!

Tyler and Kristen said...

Don't worry Kami! We don't have a single picture of Cooper on his blessing day. :-( So we can be horrible moms together!

{nicole coombs} said...

Hope today went well and you and baby are healthy and recovering nicely! And let me know when you want to do pictures I would LOVE to do them!