Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ivy Mae Vanderwalker

Baby Ivy is here. She was born January 5th at 7:45 and was 6 lbs 12oz. How is it that I gain 40lbs with Anderson and Ivy and they weigh 6lb 5oz and 6lbs 12oz and I gain 30lb with Minnie and she is 8lb 1 oz. Weird. Surgery went good, recovery is rough as always but I'll survive. Thank goodness for Tim and my parents who help out a lot. We've been home for a few days and the exhaustion is beginning to set in. Andy and Minnie love baby Ivy and Anderson begs for her to open her eyes so he can see them. We are all doing well and enjoying the new baby.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! She's adorable. I'm glad things went well with the surgery, good luck with your recovery.

Julie said...

Congratulations Kami! She is so sweet. I wish you all the best!

BandHGardner said...

Yay! I'm glad everything went well. She is a beauty! Congrats, congrats, congrats!

Crazy Lifferths said...

Congrats to your adorable family! She is a beauty! I hope that recovery gets better and goes fast for you!

{nicole coombs} said...

She is soo pretty Congrats! And I LOVE her name. I have an Aunt Ivy and she is the best!