Tuesday, January 20, 2009

10 Years

That's right, we've officially been graduated from High School for 10 years! Our reunion is this year, and a blog has been made to update people and find people. Check it out, it's on my list or the site is www.chandlerhighreunion1999.blogspot.com. So, if you are a former wolf, tell your friends. Don't be a bust. And if you are worried, you have until October to start losing weight so you can fit into those high school jeans. Or if you are me, high school sweats!


Chelsea said...

I'll try not to be a bust...but we'll see. I just can't believe it has really been 10 years. Scary!!

Nicole Wynn said...

Love the sweats comment! Still laughing:) I feel like it's been 10 yrs. I hope I don't look like it though!

Erin said...

You guys are so old! At least it hasn't been 12 years like us. (:

The Tate's said...

10 years, are you kidding me!! I seriously can not believe it. I think I actually have some of your old sweats.

Laura said...

HAHA I found your blog!!! The babies room is darling!!! Can you come a decorate my house? Oh and 10 years wow that makes me feel super old. I have just a few more years on you.

Karyn said...

Kami! I found your blog through Lindsay Elmer's :) You'll have to tell me how your reunion goes. I'm still debating whether or not to go to mine . . .

Chelsea said...

Kami Coombs. I was just watching "Baby Story" on TLC. The girl is freaking 42 weeks and 2 days pregnant and is crying because she is mad that the doctor is forcing her to be induced. What the #*(#*@&!!*U(#*(@@*!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously I was dying watching it. Could you imagine waiting a whole more month to have your little girlie?! Eek!