Monday, January 5, 2009

One more month

I officially have one more month to go before I am not pregnant any more, I mean before I have a baby. Since I am having a c-section, it's scheduled, which I've decided is good and bad. Good because I can schedule everything else and know when it is and there is no surprises. Bad because I know when it is so I can't wait for it to come. I get just as excited, if not more, to not be pregnant anymore than to have a baby. It's ridiculous I know. Anyway, Feburary 5th is it. Maybe I'll make a paper chain to help pass the time...


Chelsea said...

Woot woot for not being pregnant anymore! (Make sure you do that circular fist swirl action with that)

I would love to see the construction paper chain. Maybe to class it up you can put it on your staircase like a garland. Cute!!

Samantha and Tyrel Ross said...

Yeah congrats!! I agree with counting down to not being pregnant. I was just telling my sister the Lord gave me good kids because if I had rough pregnancies and rough kids I would have stopped at one!!

Unknown said...

Okay, I have always loved being pregnant. I never threw up, never gained tons of weight, just experienced everyone opening doors for me and being nice. Not anymore! I don't even know if what I am carrying is human. Whatever it is hates me. It better be a first trimester thing or I am for sure done. I HATE nay LOATHE being pregnant with this one. Congrats on being almost done!! Sorry Im a little bitter!

Unknown said...

Okay, I have always loved being pregnant. I never threw up, never gained tons of weight, just experienced everyone opening doors for me and being nice. Not anymore! I don't even know if what I am carrying is human. Whatever it is hates me. It better be a first trimester thing or I am for sure done. I HATE nay LOATHE being pregnant with this one. Congrats on being almost done!! Sorry Im a little bitter!

Nikki said...

Haha. I found your blog! Shame on you for keeping it a secret.

Trina said...

Yea! For one more month!! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

so where are your prego pics?????