Friday, August 8, 2008

I love it when Anderson gets a new hair cut. It looks so nice and I know it will last long! He basically got his head shaved but I love it.

I was pretty much smiling this big too (without the gapped chipped teeth) when I was driving home today and saw a sign that said they would be building a brand new QT like 1/2 a mile from my house. I'm not kidding it made my day. I can't wait. I'm sure I will be on a first name basis with the workers (it won't be the first time) and they will be seeing me multiple times a day. Especially when I'm not pregnant and can enjoy a big soda without worrying about it!


Nicole Wynn said...

He looks so grown up! That's the difference with boys. You get their hair cut and their grown, but with girls it makes them look younger. Super cute. Score! I love QT! Nothings better than a great big soda with the ice you can eat!:)

Chelsea said...

How lucky to get a QT so close! Ahh, I miss it. :(
So Anderson is adorable with his new haircut! I totally agree with Nicole about the boy girl difference. Weird huh! His smile is the best! :)

Sarah W. said...

Oh my goodness! Is he in kindergarten yet? He looks so much older than Chloe. I love the color of his eyes. Looks like they will be blue for sure. So cute!

Samantha and Tyrel Ross said...

Hey congrats on the new baby coming!! Sorry you are going to be sick all the time, that is what scares me of getting pregnant and the risk of being on bedrest for so long again. Of course when it's all over and you have another baby it's all great!! Congrats again!! P.S. I love when cooper gets a haircut too. He looks so sharp. Too bad it takes 3 people to cute his hair and he screams the whole time.

brooksybabe said...

You guys have a true little boy. He does not look like a baby anymore. Where are you going to put this next one. Two cribs?

Meggs said...

Congrats!! I just read you are prego. Anderson is getting so big. I seriously feel like he was just born yesterday. He really is so cute.