Monday, August 25, 2008

A bad case of the Mondays

Today I knew I had to get out of the house for a good portion of the day so I called Kaci and told her I'm coming over. We know if either of us calls before 9:00 that we're doing something that day. Anderson is starting to actually play with his cousins so he enjoys it too. It's nice to have other kids to play with. This is him with Leah. She's 3 1/2 months older than Anderson.

This is another side of Leah, maybe not her best side. I couldn't snap a picture when she was bent over but it was so funny.
This is baby Marley, she is 9 weeks old and so cute. Anderson just kinda stares at her and sometimes tries to hug her legs.
In the afternoon it started storming like crazy. We were afraid the second coming was here. It was scary, but afterwards, Anderson was playing in Kaci's yard and enjoying every second of it. His cousins were pushing him up the slide and then letting go so he would slide down. They would all crack up. Anderson loved it! By the way, that is mud on his chin...I don't think his dad could even grow a goatee like that! After I gave him a bath, he cried to go outside, but I wasn't about to clean him up again. He settled for standing at the door staring out the window. Sad, but not sad enough.


Rich Angie said...

So nice to have family/friends nearby to play with!

P.S. I think my kid looks a bit like your kid!

Nicole Wynn said...

Leah really looks like you and your sister!

Chelsea said...

So much to say...
I always laugh when I hear/read the "bad case of the monday's" thing. I love Office Space.

I have always thought that Angie's little Tre looks just like Anderson. I am glad she see's it too! :) Cute boys.

ANd HOLY MOLY Leah is a Coombs! Such a cutie!

Hope your Tuesday is better.

Sarah W. said...

I need to start calling you girls on Monday mornings before 9am. They are rough, that's for sure.

Chelsea said...

Just got your email. Everything looks good! :)