Friday, October 22, 2010

Why I LOVE Being Pregnant...

When I was a kid and my dad was released from the Bishopric, he came up with the "top ten reasons you know you have been in the bishopric too long" and of course, read them from the pulpit. Real typical of the Coombs' and so funny. So I was thinking about the "top ten reasons why I LOVE being pregnant".

1. I really enjoy going pee every 5-10 minutes (day or night). Who doesn't enjoy a little quiet bathroom time to themselves?

2. I really love the first 5 months where the thought of eating anything makes me want to puke, yet not eating anything really will make me puke.

3. I really love gagging uncontrollably at the smell, and sometimes even thought, of something gross.
4. I really love having to change my bottoms when I sneeze...if you know what I mean.
5. I really love only being able to sleep on my side, especially when I usually sleep on my back or stomach, not to mention switching from side to side 10 times a night.
6. I really love not being able to take any medicine that would normally kill a headache fast, or a cold, or any other illness. Knowing that when your sick, you just get to ride it out, is so nice!
7. I really love being woken up in the middle of the night by what feels like an alien in your stomach trying to break free.
8. I really love the joy of going to "weigh in" every month and finding out you weigh the same 6 months pregnant as when you delivered the last baby. Why do I try to convince myself that if I took my shoes off before I stepped on the scale that the number would be much better?
9. I really love not being able to fit in any real clothes, and not even my own husband's clothes because I'm pretty sure he is so skinny that I surpassed him a long time ago in the weight department.
10. And the thing I really love about being pregnant is knowing that most likely, unless I can convince Tim otherwise, that I get to do this all over again. Phew! I thought this may be the last time.
And being pregnant isn't the best part, after the baby comes the real fun starts!!! :)


Laura said...

Ok you are so funny. Oh I remember it well. It was just 4 months ago I was huge. I still can't fit into my skinny jeans. Sorry I shouldn't have told you that. You are a better woman then me. I'm sure we have stopped at #3.

tyandlinds said...

so funny, i love the shoe/scale thing. everyone does the same thing. my favorite it when they do it on the biggest loser. it's like...come on ;)

Unknown said...

You are hilarious. I could agree with all of those but I have to say I do think Molly was my last one and it makes me a tiny bit sad to know I'll never be pregnant again.... I said a tiny bit!!!
ADORABLE costume for Minnie by the way!!!

Jenna said...

Oh wow, Kami, I was laughing so hard at this I cried. I am pregnant, too, and this articulated exactly how I'm feeling these days! Is it possible that our babies will be born on the same day again? When is your due date? Mine is March 4th...

benandchayfuller said...

So I loved this!! I am totally the same way about my shoes when I "weigh in" as if that really makes a difference. The only thing I would add is hearburn (maybe you are one of those lucky ones that don't get it)!

{nicole coombs} said...

Love this!! I was laughing so hard I think I have to go change my under pants if you know what I mean :)