Friday, November 19, 2010

It's our funeral

We've decided to take the plunge and potty train Minnie. To me, there are too many good things

to doing it earlier than later: it's done before the baby comes, it's done before we can hopefully move (sometime soon hopefully), no 2 babies in diapers, and the Minnie Mouse undies are too cute. I can't resist. The way I look at it, we have to either do this now, or in 6 months. Either way, she has to figure it out. Wish us luck!


Crazy Lifferths said...

She will do great! You are so awesome and patient, that I am sure she will do just fine. Big challenge for you guys though. Any moving ideas yet?! Miss you guys!

Erin said...

oh man. YOu are brave. hope she catches on quick but if not, don't get too discouraged. There are worse things than 2 in 3!

tyandlinds said...

haha, erin's post is making me laugh! potty training is not my favorite thing either, good luck!