Monday, October 4, 2010

Long Random Vent

I found this old picture on my parents computer. It's Anderson a year ago. Sometimes I have to look back at pictures of my kids to remember when they were sweet:) I consider myself a pretty real person. I am not afraid to say my true feelings about life and motherhood and my kids.I don't know if this is a good quality or not. And more than anyone, I really appreciate when other people are honest, and don't try to live up to an expected image that seems to be the norm. I am fully willing to admit when things are tough, and they are tough right now. It seems easy to focus on the bad things that are going on, when kids misbehave, current temporal circumstances, being pregnant (I know...probably shouldn't be on the "bad" list) or anything else that seems to go wrong. Having your own pitty party is sometimes a hard thing to snap out of. I loved President Monson's talk in the first session of general conference. It reminded me to be grateful and show gratitude for the things we are blessed with. This makes things a lot easier to endure and always draws you closer to the Lord. I always wonder why you always try to do everything right when you are struggling with something, but then become somewhat laxed when things seem to be running smoothly. Why isn't it like that all the time? How much better would I be if I tried this hard always? Sorry for the spiritual soapbox.....just need to vent a little.


Rich Angie said...

Dude, I so get it and I appreciate your honesty. Life sucks sometimes and you're one of the people that understands that it has to suck a little to learn what we're supposed to.

Pepper Lovin! said...

I loved monson and hollands talks both were on being greatful. I HATE being preggo so you are not alone there. I think it's hard to get out of our pitty parties becuase satan kicks us when we are down. he is right there to remind us how bad our life is. When our father in heaven quietly peacefully and in a still small voice trys to remind us but we have to make the choice on our own. Life is hard. but it is sweet too. we need the hard times to remind us how great it really is. I love that you are real. The real things you write will help you and your kids all through life. Hang in there. and check out the books the Great and the Terrible series by Chris stewart! they are AMAZing

Brandi said...

Gratitude is an amazing thing and has always saved me from times of deep despair.
It helps us to gain wisdom from yesterday, carries comfort for today, and forms a vision for tomorrow.
Hang in there. We love you.

Marci Coombs said...

A to the MEN.