Wednesday, May 20, 2009

BOOOO Summer

About this time of year, I start to remember why Tim and I wanted to move away from AZ. It's already been well above 100 degrees, my SRP bill is doubling as we speak, and I now have a 2 year old begging to go outside and actually play in the yard that we did so much work on just in time for it to be "too hot to go outside". Anyway, Minnie is getting big. She is almost 4 months is changing. It's crazy how much faster time flys when you have a second kid to keep you busy.

Tim took Anderson and his cousins to his brother's Father and Sons campout. I was nervous because we are still perfecting the potty training thing but Tim said he did well. No accidents, a few false alarms on the way home, but other than that he didn't need the million pairs of undies I packed for him for one night. It was so nice to just have Minnie. I hung out with my sis in law which was so fun and went to my mom's without having to chase Anderson every 2 seconds.

Anderson loves animals. He chases them. Hopefully they will all be as nice as this one!

Anderson can grow a better goatie than Dad! This is him enjoying "Birthday cake" which we have discovered means only the frosting. He begged for more Birthday Cake the other day when the whole piece was still on his plate with the frosting eaten off. Luckily we have plenty of birthdays to celebrate with the million cousins in town.

So when we started Potty Training, Andy went #2 a couple times on the toilet and #1 has been so easy. Well, then he forgot how to do #2 on the toilet and didn't mind doing it in his undies. He had a pretty bad accident in Nursery and luckily we were prepared. Anyway, this week we have done much better. No accidents at all, and after a few "treat" bribes and a trip to Krispy Kreme today, he has gone #2 on the toilet with no problem! Thank Goodness! I am all for bribery! Whatever works...right?


Arnett's said...

I am so jealous. Aiden is still having issues with #2 on the pot. Ug. I guess I just need to care!! I am so glad it went well.

Laura said...

I'm impressed you have started the big boy pants with Anderson. I quit in one week and then we will work on Max this summer. I'm little embarrassed that he is so old. Oh well every kid is different. I can't believe how big she has gotten. Time flies when you only say hi on Sunday.

Matt and Megan said...

Kami your family is so cute! Who knows if you remember Me! Megan Allen (now Morris) from good ol C-Town! I just came upon your blog and thought I would say Hi!

TheBurtons said...

oh i have been wanting to see minnie! she is so cute! i always ask Kaci how you guys are doing. maybe we should do a summer bbq in place of the christmas party last year- now that you and marci both had your girlies. we should invite kids too and swim or something. that would be fun ;)