Monday, December 1, 2008

A Rough Week Ahead

Yesterday was the 5th Sunday so the Bishopric spoke in our ward. Since I am in primary, Tim is the only one who goes, so he came home and told me that they challenged all of us to turn off the TV for a week and to not watch TV on Sundays for a month. I am actually surprised he told me about it, so last night we put the remote up. Let's just say it's been a LONG morning. I'm embarrassed how much I watch it. The only way Tim is agreeing to it, is because we have DVR so he knows he can watch his shows next week. As you can see below, we only let Anderson watch the best of shows. See how much he LOVED General Conference?? We'll see how it goes.


Brooke said...

I actually have been wanting to try to turn off our tv on our own. . . but I am a little addicted :) Well not so much myself, as letting my kids to watch tv in the morning so I can get things done. But I should buck up and do it! Good luck!

Samantha and Tyrel Ross said...

wow good luck with that. I think I could make it until about 4pm everyday with no tv. Since Tyrel is always gone, tv saves me at night when my kids are in bed and I don't want to go to bed yet.

Chelsea said...

Oh wow! Good for you guys. Man that would be so hard. We were dying for the 2 weeks until they hooked up our cable here. I, actually we are all addicted to so many shows.
And I totally love that Anderson is watching MoTab. Love it! He is so dang cute!!!

Nicole Wynn said...

what!! And there you have it, all the more reasons i'm glad I don't go to church!:) Totally kidding! I'm with Tim, dvr is awesome! Nice xmas card by the way1