Thursday, May 29, 2008

3 Secret Shames

Tim turns 27 tomorrow. We are getting old. He is trying to do pirate eye like Anderson in this picture. My camera is broken and I have nothing to post. Marci tagged me a few months ago so I'm finally getting around to it. It's 3 secret shames about me.

1. Ummm, sometimes I can't remember the last time I shower (I think it's in the genes). I know it sounds gross, but it's not my most pressing priority. I've had this discussion with many men (specifically my bro-in-laws--I told you it's in the genes) and they can't imagine not showering everyday. To them I say, if I had hair as short as yours that I didn't have to do everytime I showered, then I probably would shower everyday.

2. I bite my nails all of the time. Tim hates it, he says I look like a horse knawing at some grass. I can't help it. My mom tried everything growing up and it didn't work. The gross tasting nail polish, goes away with a dab of toothpaste on the tongue.

3. I totally don't mind using someone elses toothbrush. I feel like there was one toothbrush to a bathroom when I was young (I know that isn't true, but that is what I thought). Tim hates it when I use his. It doesn't bother me at all.


Chelsea said...

Happy Birthday Tim!!!!! Hope you guys have a great weekend.

Kami, let's face it. Most of us girls don't shower anymore. That's the beauty of motherhood for ya! :)
The toothbrush thing cracks me up because that is so you and your fam for sure!!
And about your nails...that too is such a Kami thing that it would be weird if you didn't do it. I think I have some Lee Press ons in our Halloween box, if you want me to send them to you! Moms make me laugh at all the things they try to get kids to stop doing things like that. With thumb sucking I would just suck through the bad to get to the goods!

benandchayfuller said...

Happy Birthday Tim! I'm with you on the reason not to shower every day. I hate having to do my hair after! Ben bites his nails too and I barely notice it anymore and as for the toothbrush thing, that is the one thing I have to have all to myself. Good for you though for not letting it bother you :)

Anonymous said...

hahaha, I totally use Joe's tooth brush too...only when we go on vacation, but I don't think I would want to share with anyone but him. Joe freaks out if I don't shower every day. I mean I usually do but sometimes on the weekends you don't get around to it. I have to remind him that girls don't get stinky like boys. THANK GOODNESS:)

Nicole Wynn said...

Your new nickname can be stinky!:) I have to take a shower everyday or else I just feel gross. As for the toothbrush sharing, yuck! I can't even share out of the same cup with someone else! I admit it I have a real bad case of OCD on a ton of things:)

Rich Angie said...

Wow, Tim's old...yeah right! Dave's 30!!

Let's be honest, people say they shower more than they really do. I'm the same as you. Sometimes I just don't remember when I've showered last. It doesn't bother me at all. Now sharing a toothbrush, that's just sick and wrong.

brooksybabe said...

Happy Birthday Tim!! The showering thing I am used to. Me and you have the same friends and lets be honest they don't shower often. The nail biting I did not know about. Good luck with that.

Alyssa said...

Darin & I usually share a toothbrush when we go out of town. We just don't see how that would be gross. I don't know why I think it saves any space to just pack one. Whatever works I guess. I'm glad someone else doesn't think it's a big deal. My sister thinks we are disgusting for it. Oh well.

Sarah W. said...

I think I was supposed to be born a Coombs. I have battled the bad habit of biting my nails since i was little. I will do really well and let them grow, then they will tear or break off. OUCH!!! Or i will see a stressful movie (Indiana Jones) and I will bite them off without knowing it. As for showers, I don't get very many and I rarely wash my hair. GROSS!!!

Pepper Lovin! said...

Kami can I just tell you..... I am guilty of all three of your secrets! My husband and I have the shower talk all the time! It cracks me up. Seriously. I agree and it's not like my hair looks greasy. If I had greasy hair I would shower but it's not. I bite my nails too. I also will use random toothbrushes.

Unknown said...

I don't remember you being so gross!! JK. I totally bite my nails and don't take showers everyday although I want to. The sharing the toothbrush... YUCK! You are hilarious!

The Tate's said...

Happy Birthday Tim!!! So I remember you being a nail biter but I thought you were cured after high school. I dont bite my nails but maybe even more gross I bite the skin by my nails. I still havent been able to narrow down my shames to 3 to do the tag yet. Poor Adam!!

amanda p. said...

yes! I love random things about people... and seriously why should people think we are weird for wanting to save water? Seriously.

Trina said...

Kami that is so disgusting! Sharing a Toothbrush. What? I will fork over the money for you to buy your own toothbrush!

Arnett's said...

Since you have not posted anything new I will comment on your habbits! I bite my nails and it drives Anthony crazy. Sharing a toothbrush though, that is just wrong.