Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tim's brother and his wife sent Anderson and Minnie some CUTE Halloween outfits that it is finally somewhat cold enough to wear. They are so cute.

OK, I know it's going to sound dumb but, I am so excited that I finally figured something out yesterday! I usually buy all my clothes at Target, and usually only at the 75% off clearance rack. Sometimes I am ridiculous enough to watch things and wait for it to go to the 30%, then 50%, then 75% off rack (Maybe it's because I go to Target almost everyday). Sometimes, I'm not going to lie, I'll buy an XL girls shirt that's on clearance. So, I found a pair of jeans yesterday for $7.50 and I tried 3 on. Every pair (like always) were so long. I've had this problem my whole life. When you have to find pants to fit the "Coombs rearend" they usually are longer and bigger at the waist. So yesterday, I figured out how to hem my jeans, and keep the hem they already have too! I was so fired up! I used to either keep them long and eventually the bottoms and back tear because they get dragged on the floor. If I did hem them, it was screaming "look at me--I'm home sewn". Now, you can't even tell! I know this is ridiculous to be excited about but this is the best thing that's happend to me all week (It's kinda been a rough one:) So, anyone needing jean-hemming assistance, let me know!! I'll be happy to lend my services!


Anonymous said...

I may totally take up on the jean hemming idea. Love the Halloween outfits and I'm glad it's cooling down at night.

Crazy Lifferths said...

Sign me up! Being 5'4 NOTHING is ever long enough. Thankfully I discovered that petite sizes pretty much mean shorter! However, my Mom used to hem my jeans (and she is an AMAZING seamstress), but it always looked "home sewn". I was always embarrassed that people would wonder what happened to my pants! HAHA!

Laura said...

I want to join The "JEANS ARE NEVER THE RIGHT LENGTH" club. I have the same problem too. So when is sewing night? I'm in!!

Marci Coombs said...

Okay I don't need your help hemming...but I do need your help recovering my glider. And when I say I need your help....I mean....can you just do it for me? My mom was supposed to help me but she got a little preoccupied with my dad. I'd make it worth your time...I promise :) ?

Anonymous said...

Kami...the modern Martha Stewart? Look at you girl!!