Sunday, July 26, 2009


I feel about as wasted as Minnie looks here. This is exactly how she woke up this morning. That mane is crazy. We went to the cabin this weekend in Nutrioso and it was so fun. It was cool, it rained, we got to take naps, and hang out with Grandma and Grandpa and Sammy (the dog).

This is probably my most favorite thing to do as a kid was go on jeep rides. I asked my Grandma and Grandpa to take us because they go to places where I am scared to drive. We basically went through the woods and literally drove over trees because the roads were torn up from the loggers.
Anderson LOVED to be outside. He chased Sammy so much that she went and hid in a bush to get some free time away. He fed the birds with my Grandma and loved going on rides and just walking in the woods.

I tried to get a cute picture of Minnie and the flowers but all she wanted to do was eat them, of course. The last few days she has been starting to get on her knees and hands. Today she started scooting and I am NOT ready. I want her to sit still and not be able to move. I just keep telling myself that she can't be as bad as Anderson who is still EVERYWHERE. I'm in for it I think.


tyandlinds said...

oh, that looks so fun. i used to love going to my grandparent's cabin...

Marci Coombs said...

Her hair KILLS me. I LOVE it!!!