Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I have to write these down

I have to write some of this stuff down so I don't forget some day. Anderson just turned 3 April 2nd and he is saying the funniest stuff (as all 3 year olds do). So I figured I should write some down so I have them and don't forget.
The other day out of the blue he was eating and said, "Mom, Jesus Christ is coming back" I said "he is?" He said, "Yeah, Jesus Christ is coming back...he had to go get his car. He had to go get his truck." Thank you nursery teachers!
Yesterday we were at my mom's eating dinner. I kept telling Andy he could go play outside after he ate his dinner. My mom was across the counter from him and Anderson said, "Grandma, look at me...I want to go play outside."
Obviously we love all things Disney around here, and the other day Anderson said, "Is Jesus going to Disneyland?" I figured at least he knew 2 important things we try to teach him! I'm glad he thinks about both!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Funny kid. Thanks for the reminder to write what they say down, It helps to when they are not acting so funny.