Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cardiologist Visit

Has there ever been a cuter little girl? (don't answer that) I took Minnie to the Cardiologist to do a follow up about her PFO (I think that is what it is called). It's a tiny hole in her heart that should have closed before she was born but didn't. It doesn't hurt her or really affect her and is quite normal. There is a possibility that it would have an effect when she was older. The last time I took her in they said it was "abnormal size" and we will check again and if it is big enough, they may have to go in and close it when she is 3 or 4. Today, the doctor said it is still "abnormal size" but is tiny and getting smaller and should eventually close on it's own or stay tiny enough to not be a big deal. I was definately relieved! We don't have to go back for another 2 years. I don't know what it is, but there is nothing more sad than seeing little babies with wires hooked up to them or tubes sticking out everywhere. I'm so glad we don't have to do that! Now if she could just quit nursing, life would really be GREAT!


Chelsea said...

Yea Kami! I am so relieved for you guys too. And yes, I'll answer...she is the cutest thing!! :)

Erin said...

I stopped nursing Brynlee a couple of weeks ago. Minnie is old enough to go right to whole milk at this point. I'll email you.

tyandlinds said...

i am happy to hear the good news!!!

Laura said...

GREAT news. I'm so glad that things are going well

Brandi said...

Lexi had a similar problem when she was the same age. I can still remember the horrible torture chest x-ray they had to do on her. I tried not to cry with her when they did it, but I did a little anyways.
Everything turned out fine.
She too, just eventually grew out of it.
Glad to hear she will too.

Trina said...

She really is so beautiful!!! Good news!