Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I don't have much to post, but I saw this on Chelsea's.

Memory bandwagon
I am jumping on the memory bandwagon post. I think it is fun to reminisce!

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.EVERYBODY PLAY! I want to see what memories are out there!!


Cody said...

I would have to say that the most fun class I have ever had was with Kami, Ashlee, Kai and that kid Curtis who was so friendly! Kami cracked me up non-stop and would never let up on the idea she had in her mind that Chelsea and I were secretly making out all the time like Chandler and Monica. No Kami, I was secretly making out with Miss Nuzzo in my Dad's office and it was HOT!!!!

Sorry that was a flashback to a high school fantasy. She was so mean but Kai and I liked it. haha

Big gulps huh, Well'p, see ya later!

Arnett's said...

I remember that on a lunch break from Bazzill you, Tim, Scott, and I went to Fazzolois. Good times.

Chelsea said...

Hmm...where do I start. I told Cody to come up with some good ones for you. He needs to get over Miss Nuzzo.
Where do I even begin with Kami memories. (by the way...i know you secretly wanted to borrow my space jacket for your emergency kit for if you get hypothermia, but anyways..)
Here are my fave's:
We'll start with BJHS-
(actually, it all started in 5th or 6th grade, when you came roller blading over to my house with Megan. But, the real fun started at BJHS.)
Pretending it was my bday and people actually brought me stuff,
That PE and homeroom class has lists of memories. Who was I kidding? All to help "A" notice us.
Miss ST's comp book study sessions after early morning seminary eating those donuts and cinnamon rolls,
waiting for the clock to turn 11:11,
You learning to drive the little truck around my neighborhood loop thing,
truth or dare,

Knowing the best/quickest drive by routes in mesa,
Mesa clap clap rabbits,
I know you said it, but Islands Pizza,
Oh boy...I am ending there on high school. too many funny things are in my head.

grandmas house...need I say more?,
The dungeon...
remember your cubby?!
scratchers, QT (heaven) and 7-11 runs for hits, Monday lunch dates,

AND SOOOOO many millions more...but for the sake of embarrassing anyone (myself included), I'll stop. :)

benandchayfuller said...

So my favorite memory would have to be one day we were driving somewhere and you were sitting in the front seat and didn't have on your seatbelt and I had to slam on my brakes for something and you full on hit the windshield. Good times!

Rich Angie said...

All I have to say is: shaky knees!

Joe and Laura said...

I don't know if you'll remember this, but I'd make you go to FHE w/ me in Provo, so the memory can be summed up w/ -gay ultimate frisbee in the rain, AKA -kill me now. This may be a vague memory since we'd both look at each other, and say 'are you kidding me' and leave immediately.

jaimi said...

My favorite memory of you has to be your freakin amazing cooking skills!!! And you were always so sweet to drop snickerdoodles off for us!

P.S. Will you please post the snickerdoodle recipe?? PLEASE!!!! I just had one at PB and it doesn't hold a candle to yours. POST IT RIGHT NOW!! Please??

Unknown said...

I remember LOVING you in Jr. High! Thats a good one. I remember making funny stick figures of people and mine had a straight line out of the top for that one stray hair. Shannon had a curved back. and coach had a fluffy hair do!!

Anonymous said...

"my neck, my back":) you were one of the first people I met when I moved here. when I think of you I think of QT, duh, the word duh, your amazing cookies. Your love of my hip hop cd. You and Tim sitting on the couch at Vanessa's when you guys had crushes on each other. games...table games, FHE games, hanging out games. The time you had your eye brows waxed. You dating Tim as long as I dated Joe (and no not because either of us were being scandalous with our boyfriends). You were the first one to teach me how to wake board Coach Kami!!!!

The Tate's said...

This game is seriously hard for me to narrow it down. I have run through so many but for sure my favorite was the "b's" to this day I still laugh.

Ashley said...

ok, did i give you permission to write treetop. rude.
yeah, cody, i still have my letter that curtis wrote for all of us! do you remember that?
i remember crying while watching "my best friends wedding" at chelsea's house. you all know why!
and all of us getting into wife beaters and going to that convenience store. although it wasnt really that big of a deal for me since i wore those all the time. yeah, i was immodest, what can i say.
i also remember practicing some seminary celebration thing or something in your basement, i think we were singing. do you remember?

Ashley said...

oh yeah, and i am the scripture mastery champion!!

Chelsea said...

I clearly remember Ashley saying "picture a dead elephant" while we were practicing. Debbie Downer!!

Pepper Lovin! said...

Ok I have to agree with the memories of ty house, Um Cali. YOu guys totally asleep in the car and I was just singing at the top of my lungs, Jack in the crack at like 1am, Icees with suckers, the 2 super tall b-ball player girls what were there names amanda and jessica?

Nuestra Familia said...

I remember in vball tryouts thinking you were so fast and I was wondering if you were ever going to get tired while running. And when you weren't running for a marathon (it seemed to me) you were always laughing, you are always having fun! you are awesome

brooksybabe said...

My favorite memory is when we went water ballooning in Provo and got chased down the streets by some angry singers. Shaky knees comes to mind. You know the rest