So, not that I've ever been good at this, but I thought since we have a child this year, we would send out Christmas Cards (I'm not too fond of sending one out with a picture of just Tim and I). But with Tim graduating, trips, and Holiday stuff, there is no way I have time. So, consider this your Christmas card.

As you can see, Anderson's scrunchy face was in every picture, so I thought I'd put a few more good ones of him after. I took these yesterday.

He has started in the last couple of days to pull himself up. Now he wants to do it everywhere and on everyone. He's getting pretty good. Still army crawling though (for like 4 or 5 weeks). We can't get his to do the regular crawl. I've given up!
Thanks for the card. I was hoping for one this year from you!! :) So does this mean no famous Kami and Tim cookies that I look forward to each year? Darn. I love Anderson's scrunchy face. he is so cute. I am sad we didn't get to hang out today. Hopefully the kids will be feeling better soon. I'll call ya later.
Good idea Kami. I never get out a Christmas Card, but one year (probably on our last kid) I will finally get one out. What a cute family. Anderson is adorable. I love the army crawl. I was kind of sad when Jack decided to do the regular crawl. See ya guys in a few days..yea!!
I just want to grab his little cheeks. He is the cutest little guy ever! I hope to get xmas cards out this year so email or blog me your address so you can recieve one very special Wynn Christmas card!
Merry Christmas to you too! I am really bad with cards. You have such a cute family. Anderson has to be on e of the cutest babies ever!
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