Saturday, November 24, 2007

Easy Gift Idea

My mother-in-law taught a class at Enrichment on how to make these. I hadn't seen them before and thought they would be a very easy and inexpensive gift idea. The letters are just stickers from a craft store, and the ribbon and flower can be found anywhere. I'm not sure where she got the picture, but I thought it turned out nice! Too bad my Christmas shopping is done.


  1. I love this gift idea. So cute! And I love the pee pee tee pee. I have seen them in a catalog and online and laughed so hard each time. What a brilliant idea! It would have saved loads of laundry for us I'm sure! I'll get on making a newbackground later. I just got our internet working here so I will be up and running on new things soon! :) Can't wait to hang out. Monday I have to stay at my mom's if you want to come over. Call me at my parents. See to you soon! :)

  2. I love it. It's SO cute. Ask her where she got the mat from....I think that particular mat would be kinda hard to find. I definitely want to make some. Have you caught up on your sleep from Fri?

  3. I can not stop laughing! The last picture, uhh I don't know what to say! That is hillarious and you have guts girl!

  4. You can't show a craft like that without promising that we will make one. Kaci is really putting a damper on our weekly club.

  5. Love that picture! What a good idea!

  6. This is so cute Kami! I am so glad I found you guys in here!

  7. Always looking for cute gift ideas and you just helped out! Thanks. Let me know when everyone is getting together, cuz I'd love to hang!

  8. "see to you soon" am I retarded? wow. That's what I get for going to C-town. My FIL was making fun of the education taught there. I reminded him he teaches there. HAHA!


Thanks for the comments!! Kami, Tim, and Anderson