Thursday, May 29, 2008

3 Secret Shames

Tim turns 27 tomorrow. We are getting old. He is trying to do pirate eye like Anderson in this picture. My camera is broken and I have nothing to post. Marci tagged me a few months ago so I'm finally getting around to it. It's 3 secret shames about me.

1. Ummm, sometimes I can't remember the last time I shower (I think it's in the genes). I know it sounds gross, but it's not my most pressing priority. I've had this discussion with many men (specifically my bro-in-laws--I told you it's in the genes) and they can't imagine not showering everyday. To them I say, if I had hair as short as yours that I didn't have to do everytime I showered, then I probably would shower everyday.

2. I bite my nails all of the time. Tim hates it, he says I look like a horse knawing at some grass. I can't help it. My mom tried everything growing up and it didn't work. The gross tasting nail polish, goes away with a dab of toothpaste on the tongue.

3. I totally don't mind using someone elses toothbrush. I feel like there was one toothbrush to a bathroom when I was young (I know that isn't true, but that is what I thought). Tim hates it when I use his. It doesn't bother me at all.

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Terrible Ones??

Anderson has been sporting this beautiful happy face lately. He's figuring out that if he doesn't like something, he can tell you by crying "real live tears" (as Tim calls them). I did catch a glimpse of our latest project in the background. I have seen the big empty frames for like $200 at Poppy's and decided to use some baseboard and make my own for $17. The stuff inside is just random stuff I had that I wasn't using. Anyway, I like the way it turned out. So did Anderson, can you tell?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Guess who's back...back again

Today was the Grand Opening of the Krispy Kreme shop by Superstition Springs!! The line was out the window and there were news crews and photographers. I did get a dozen original glazed for Tim's dinner tonight (the girls are going out for Mother's Day) and couldn't resist a couple for myself. Anderson also enjoyed his first Krispy Kreme ever. I forgot how good they really are!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Finally walking

I think he has finally got it. Just the last little bit, he has been walking everywhere. It's like a whole new world for him, and for mom (not sure if it's a good new world for mom yet).

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Gross-sorry in advance (be glad there is no picture)

So, I don't really have anything to blog about lately and my camera is broken, so this is random. When I had Anderson I had an emergency c-section. It was crazy but turned out totally fine. Tim has a weak stomach and didn't watch any of the surgery when they took him out. I on the other hand, would love to see something like that. So the other day, I was talking to someone who had the same thing, and she told me she looked it up on you tube and watched a video. I'm not a big you tube person, but I thought why not. So I found an informative video and watched exactly what they do when they perform a c-section. It was very interesting. When you search a video, a list of related videos pop up on the side and you can watch them. There was a few about breast feeding, and one that had a mom who breast feeds her 5 AND 8 (yes you read right) year old girls. IT WAS RIDICULOUS! I watched in complete awe and couldn't believe it. It doesn't show anything inappropriate...oh yeah except for AN EIGHT YEAR OLD BREAST FEEDING. I couldn't believe it. Then I showed Tim, and he said I have offically ruined certain things forever.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Thanks to everyone who came tonight. It was so fun to see everyone. If you couldn't make it, check out Nicole Wynn's Rock Candy jewelry blog. Her stuff is awesome!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Don't Forget

Don't forget to come to the Jewelry Party for Nicole Wynn and her Rock Candy Jewelry! It's Tuesday May 6th at 6:30. If you need directions or want to come and didn't get an email, email me at Hope to see you all there!