1. Ummm, sometimes I can't remember the last time I shower (I think it's in the genes). I know it sounds gross, but it's not my most pressing priority. I've had this discussion with many men (specifically my bro-in-laws--I told you it's in the genes) and they can't imagine not showering everyday. To them I say, if I had hair as short as yours that I didn't have to do everytime I showered, then I probably would shower everyday.
2. I bite my nails all of the time. Tim hates it, he says I look like a horse knawing at some grass. I can't help it. My mom tried everything growing up and it didn't work. The gross tasting nail polish, goes away with a dab of toothpaste on the tongue.
3. I totally don't mind using someone elses toothbrush. I feel like there was one toothbrush to a bathroom when I was young (I know that isn't true, but that is what I thought). Tim hates it when I use his. It doesn't bother me at all.